Like many quilters, I have an abundance of unfinished quilting projects. I feel really bad about this state of affairs. Guilt about unfinished projects even robs me of enthusiasm for starting a new project and often leaves me stuck not working on any quilt. We quilters inevitably laugh the problem off, even making jokes about how many unfinished projects we have, although I’m sure we all want to find a way to finish our quilts. Let’s take a look at some of the causes for quilt-procrastination and think about what can be done:
• Lack of motivation: Quilting is a time-consuming and often challenging hobby, so it’s important to have a strong motivation to finish each project. If you’re not feeling motivated, it can be hard to muster the energy to complete a quilt. The best way I’ve found to re-kindle motivation on a lagging project is to hang whatever you have done so far on a wall, take a step back and really appreciate what you have accomplished to date. Try to envision how beautiful it will be when it’s fully done. This simple technique always lights a spark under my sewing needle.
• Perfectionism: Quilters tend to be a very precise lot and often strive for perfection in their work, but this can be a double-edged sword. If you’re constantly trying to be perfect, you may endlessly agonize over the smallest detail and drag the production time out to eternity. Try to remind yourself that imperfections are part of the beauty and uniqueness of handmade quilts.
• Lack of time: Quilting can be time-consuming, which is especially problematic if you also have a job or kids, or both! Try breaking your quilting projects into smaller, more manageable steps that you can work on a little bit at a time. This can help you make progress even if you only have a few minutes here and there. Be sure to keep all the parts for one project together in a bag or storage container so you don’t waste valuable project time searching for your quilt parts.
• Overcommitment: If you have too many quilting projects going on at once, it can be overwhelming and make it difficult to finish any of them. It would be easy to say, “Limit yourself to one or two projects at a time”, but all quilters know that is near impossible. I find it more realistic to try to finish ONE thing from your unfinished projects pile before bringing something new into the queue.
Remember that quilting should be a fun and rewarding hobby, so try not to get too bogged down in the details. If you’re struggling to finish a quilt, take a step back and evaluate why you’re struggling, then try to make some adjustments to help you move forward.