Fall is the perfect time for quilting. Summer vacations are over; the kids are back to school; work hasn’t hit the inevitable end of the year crunch yet, and the quilt shops have all their holiday colors out in full bloom. Time to start making holiday gifts… or is it?
Every year right about this time, I am stricken with the ambition to make handmade gifts for everyone I know. Then, with startling regularity, the last week in December I’m scrambling for gifts because I pretty much didn’t finish anything. What is a habitual crafter to do? Consider this:
- Start Early – For what is worth, it’s October. Its already too late. Juts go back to knitting your Rhinebeck sweater. You might (barely) still have a shot at that.
- Prune the List – I know you are awesome and crafty, and it would be cool to give some handmade love to everyone, but you need to be realistic. Pick one or two top loved ones to craft for this year.
- Cookies are Still Handmade – Everyone else can get a tin of homemade cookies. How else could you bang out 10 handmade gifts in an afternoon? You know that cute tiny Santa fabric you didn’t have time to make into rug mugs for your entire quilt guild? Just cut a square with your pinking shears, affix with a ribbon to the top of a mason jar full of cookies and it’s pretty good enough.
- Get a Jump on Next Year – Everything you planned to do but it’s already way too late (refer back to #1), just make it anyway. You will have a head start on next year. I have said this for three years running and I still haven’t finished a January birthday gift for my Bestie. It will get done eventually and when it does, its going to be awesome!
Remember, there are always local donut shop gift cards.