Finish that Quilt… or Not

It seems logical that one should finish one project before starting another, but the vast number of UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) that I have lying around the house would argue to the contrary. I am certain I am not alone in this predicament. It just makes sense that once you’ve spent all the money for the fabric then put in untold numbers of hours planning, cutting, piecing and sewing, you should just power through and finish the darned thing, right? Could there ever be a good reason to start a new project when there is an unfinished one (or two…) just begging for your attention? In my opinion, yes.

Aside from some obvious situations such as running out of a necessary fabric color or type and waiting to find a suitable replacement, there is a good reason to set a project aside in favor of another. You need to have a project which matches your energy and creativity levels at the time. Have a lot going on with the kids’ fall sports or holiday planning? Now would not be the time for the Double Wedding Ring quilt you have planned for your nephew and his future bride. Maybe a big block project with a “don’t-want-to-cut-it” large print might be the ticket for you right now. Is work so slow these days that you are bored out of your skull? I think now might be the time to tackle the tessellating queen size pattern that you’ve been doodling in the margins of your notebook for weeks. Whatever is going on in your life, it’s important to have multiple projects going on at any given time so that you can find the right fit for your current circumstance.

The next time you find yourself starting a new project when there is still something else under your needle, give yourself some grace. You will finish most of them eventually!