The worst day quilting is still better than the best day working, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a pretty bad day quilting! We asked our readers “What was your worst day quilting ever?” and got some pretty “bad” responses. Here are some of the worst:
- Sewing in a block upside down and not noticing it until after it was quilted.
- Miscalculating the yardage needed and running out of an irreplaceable vintage fabric.
- Spilling a glass of red wine on a baby quilt top the night before the shower.
- Finding out your husband used your good quilting scissors to cut wire… as evident by all the mysterious notches in your cuts.
- Sewing an applique block to your pant leg.
- Deciding to pre-wash your fabrics and finding out that one of them wasn’t color fast.
- Discovering the hard way that the cat got accidentally shut in the closet and then relieved himself on an unfinished, folded quilt top.
- Investing untold hours into a Dresden Plate baby quilt with scalloped edges for a family member only to be told by the recipient “This is lovely, but I already got a quilt for the baby… at Target”.
Your well-meaning husband mistook a bag of quilt tops waiting for the long armer for a clothing bag destined for the donation bin.
- And, finally, the winner of the Worst day Quilting was hands down (no pun intended): Cutting the tip of your finger off with a rotary cutter. Don’t worry, this fearless quilter went straight to the ER and her steadfast dedication to quilting was unharmed.