I hate cleaning. There are no two ways about it. If given the choice between cleaning and literally any other task, I would choose anything else. Cleaning takes hours and hours and hours every week, and for what? For the privilege of doing it all over again? Let’s do some simple math. Let’s say you do the absolute minimum of cleaning – barely doing a load of laundry per week, making dinner every night for seven nights (wait, didn’t I just make dinner last night?), the lamest job possible in keeping the bathroom tidy… just slightly above grime-inducing levels, and let’s just forget about ever putting anything away or keeping your office space from attracting mice. Even with the very minimal of Cinderella duties, we are talking at least two hours of cleaning per day literally flushed down the drain. What could you have done with those fourteen hours instead? You could have made an entire quilt top! Why, YES, Eleanor Burns, you really can make a quilt in a day! A pretty long day, but still technically a day.
You could have made seven of the very cute Baby Puzzle Ball, a pattern from Sew Fun®. You could have made at least a half dozen quilted placements. You could have made enough themed potholders for your entire neighborhood potluck club! I think you are getting the message. Time spent quilting is time better spent than cleaning, or even cooking for that matter – don’t get me started! When you make a quilt, it stays made. When you make your bed, well you are just going to have to do that again tomorrow. Your path is clear! Just sweep everything on your kitchen table into a box and set it on the floor. Now you have a whole clean space to start your next quilting project!