Quilting Scissors and Burritos Don’t Mix

Not with my good scissors

Every quilter knows you don’t use good quilting scissors to cut paper. If only their family members knew that as well. We asked our By the Yard® comics readers what was the worst abuse of their sewing scissors and here are some of the best (worst?) responses:
Paper, of course. How many times do we have to say it?
Wrapping Paper – Here is a tip: This still counts as paper. The word “paper” is in the name!
Packages – Not only is this a violation of the “no paper” rule, but once you get packing tape involved, now we are talking about the blades getting all gummy, too!
Duct Tape – Even more sticky! Try using your teeth instead.
Roof Flashing – In a way, I’m impressed that is worked, but the blades will never be the same.
Wire – I have to admit, as a kid I was guilty of this one myself. Sorry, Mom!
Tortillas – OK, I get it. They are flat and kind of floppy like fabric, but still!
• The tip off a Tube of Caulking – Home improvement warriors everywhere, take note.
Laundry Soap Jug – Yes, that DIY birdfeeder you saw on Pinterest is super cool, and I know my sewing scissors are “really sharp”, but still – No.
Toenails – That’s just gross.
• And finally, the winner has to be… Raw Chicken! Even if I left my scissors in the kitchen (I probably set them down there so I could go handle some family “emergency” like re-booting the Wi-Fi…), that does not make them “kitchen scissors”.